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Голос Науки
Голос Науки
Статья в журнале
Апр, 2024

Instrumental Factors of Soft Power in an Era of Global Turbulence

Dmitriy V. Ofitserov-Belskiy

DOI: 10.31278/1810-6374-2024-22-2-179-195


The article presents a realist view of soft power. In this interpretation, soft power is a tool that provides advantages in international competition. The main purpose of soft power is to generate motives, meanings, and rules that underlie actions. As a concept and practice, soft power is associated with the idea of globalization and hegemonism. According to the Gramschian interpretation of soft power, it serves primarily the interests of the hegemon but ultimately creates common benefits for a significant part of the international community. However, today we are witnessing the crisis of American hegemony and weariness of the West’s soft power. These changes encourage the search for new ways to build a fairer world order. The author argues that to achieve this goal, Russia’s soft power should go beyond efforts to improve its international image and protect its sovereignty and traditional values. This vision of soft power does not elucidate what the future world should be like and what role Russia should play in it.

Полный текст: https://eng.globalaffairs.ru/articles/instrumental-factors-of-soft-power/

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Дата публикации: 1 Апр, 2024Кол-во просмотров: 285
Полный текст: eng.globalaffairs.ru
Для цитирования:

Ofitserov-Belskiy, D.V., 2024. Instrumental Factors of Soft Power in an Era of Global Turbulence. Russia in Global Affairs, 22(2), pp. 179–195. DOI: 10.31278/1810-6374-2024-22-2-179-195

Russia in Global Affairs
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