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Objective: to present the results of a systematic review of research on the impact of neurotechnology on legal concepts and regulatory frameworks, addressing ethical and so... подробно
Objective: to analyze the competence and procedure of case handling by the courts of integration associations, allowing them to resolve disputes related to information tech... подробно
Objective: to study the concept of newsmaking criminology and its relevance in the current conditions of mass media development.Methods: the methodological basis of the wor... подробно
Objective: the article deals with modern scientific approaches to the “digital society”, identifies new criminological perspectives, such as that of digital criminology in ... подробно
Objective: to identify the legal problems of using artificial intelligence in hiring employees and the main directions of solving them.Methods: formal-legal analysis, compa... подробно
Objective: to substantiate the promising directions of legal regulation of relations in the use of artificial intelligence technologies in competitive (commercial and publi... подробно
Objective: to critically analyze the state of national legislation of Uzbekistan in terms of legal regulation of digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence in th... подробно
Objective: to determine theoretical approaches to the legal regulation of reprogenetic editing, taking into account the risk-oriented approach and the practice of regulatio... подробно