Научная публикация

Андрей Андреевич Зелинский
Статья в журнале
Фев, 2023

Search and Identification of Amyloid Proteins

Belashova , Tatyana A., Valina , Anna A., Sysoev , Evgeniy I., Velizhanina , Maria E., Андрей А. Зелинский , Andrew A., Galkin , Alexey P.

DOI: 10.3390/mps6010016


Amyloids are fibrillar proteins with a cross-β structure. Pathological amyloids are associated with the development of a number of incurable diseases, while functional amyloids regulate vital processes. The detection of unknown amyloids in living objects is a difficult task, and therefore the question of the prevalence and biological significance of amyloids remains open. We present a description of two methods, the combination of which makes it possible to find and identify amyloid proteins in the proteome of various organisms. The method of proteomic screening for amyloids allows the detection of the proteins that form SDS-resistant aggregates. SDS resistance is a general feature of amyloid fibrils. Protein aggregates resistant to SDS treatment can be collected by ultracentrifugation and further identified by mass spectrometry. However, in addition to amyloids, SDS-resistant aggregates contain some non-amyloid proteins. To test the amyloid properties of proteins identified by proteomic screening, we developed the method of fibril immunoprecipitation followed by Congo red staining and birefringence analysis. The methods of proteomic screening and immunoprecipitation of fibrillar proteins have been successfully tested and applied for the identification of amyloid proteins in yeast and vertebrates.

Полный текст: https://www.mdpi.com/2409-9279/6/1/16

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Дата публикации: 4 Фев, 2023Кол-во просмотров: 247
Полный текст: www.mdpi.com
Для цитирования:

Belashova, T.A.; Valina, A.A.; Sysoev, E.I.; Velizhanina, M.E.; Zelinsky, A.A.; Galkin, A.P. Search and Identification of Amyloid Proteins. Methods Protoc. 20236, 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps6010016

Научный журнал
Methods and Protocols

6, №1. C. 16

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